

With a history of 150 years, the carpets beautiful patterns that originate from various exotic cultures inspire us with the past and art that traveled through countless seasons and places.
Being considered as most delicate and durable among the three major dantsu crafts in Japan

赤穂緞通の大きな特徴は、文様の美しさを際立たせるために、握りバサミで糸の毛足を短く切り取る 「摘み」という作業を行うことです。

Ako Dantsu has long been loved as the decorative art rugs for folding screens in Kyoto Gion festival.



With a history of 150 years, the carpets beautiful patterns that originate from various exotic cultures inspire us with the past and art that traveled through countless seasons and places.
Being considered as most delicate and durable among the three major dantsu crafts in Japan


At the end of the Meiji era, Ako Dantsu was adopted for Imperial use, such as in the Imperial trains, and its elegant patterns were favored by tea masters, traditional restaurants, and tea houses. From the Taisho to the early Showa periods, it expanded its market overseas, reaching its peak.


Since the Showa era, Ako Dantsu had been in decline, left behind by modernization due to restrictions on cotton imports and the limitations of being crafted solely by hand. However, entering the Heisei era, several organizations were established with the aim of preserving the nearly lost techniques and training weavers. Efforts to revive Ako Dantsu as a valuable local traditional craft have been progressing.


Ako Dantsu features a variety of design variations, incorporating original Japanese designs inspired by sources from China, Persia, India, and more. Please enjoy the world of Ako Dantsu, with its well-balanced and elegant patterns.

© Ako Dantsu Gion