赤穂緞通は、畳一畳分を製作するのに一年を費やし、その時間をお客様と共に、まるで同じ時を、共に過ごして居るかのように、一日一日を織り込んで行きます。この 1 年間の手作業が、100 年以上を共にする丈夫さと、一生物の価値を生み出します。綿 100% の赤穂緞通は、全て綿で作られており、日本の気候風土に適した素材です。冬は暖かく、夏は涼しく、日々の暮らしを楽しませてくれる伝統工芸です。伝統的な文様から現代的な柄まで、オーダーメイドで制作が可能です。
It takes a year for completion of all the processes of tatami mat size dantsu making.
We weave each and every day of the year into dantsu as if we share them all with the client.
This year long handwork yields the toughness of the product that endures over a century and the lifelong value to it.
Ako Dantsu uses only 100% cotton that best suits the climate of Japan: Warm in winter and cool in summer.
The traditional handicraft upgrades the quality of everyday life.
From conventional to contemporary patterns, we accept custom-orders.

Even over a century old product revives its downiness and vibrancy by the artisan’s masterly washing skills.Please feel free to ask for the mend.
In some cases, the condition of the item will be well renewed after meticulous repair followed by the careful washing.
This exceptional durability is the best feature as well as the real charm of Ako Dantsu carpets.
wWe also offer reworking or resizing into such as small articles