

In Tatsuno city, Hyogo prefecture, they are fascinated by Ako Dantsu and continue to make high-quality Ako Dantsu with the precision of their craftsmanship.


原田 明子

Akiko Harada


兵庫県たつの市生まれ 赤穂緞通の丹念な作業の積み重ねで出来上がって行く美しい絨毯に魅了され、師の工房へ通いながら制作を開始。2015年自身の工房「赤穂緞通ぎおん」立上げ、オーダーメイドによる一畳織の作品を中心に制作開始。赤穂緞通の精密な技術を習得し、職人気質に品質の高い赤穂緞通を作り続けている。

Fascinated by the beauty that results from the meticulous processes involved in creating Ako Dantsu, Akiko embarked on her journey as an artisan under the guidance of her master. In 2015, she established her own studio, “Ako Dantsu Gion,” where she began focusing on creating custom-made tatami mat-sized works. Having mastered numerous intricate techniques, Akiko continues to produce high-quality dantsu pieces, driven by her dedication to professional craftsmanship.

工房名 赤穂緞通ぎおん
設立 2015年
所在地 〒679-4121 兵庫県たつの市龍野町島田602-6
TEL 0467-23-9215
代表 原田 明子
メールアドレス info@akodantsu-gion.com
HP akodantsu-gion.com
© Ako Dantsu Gion